Legal mentions - SPL Cherbourg Port
SPL Cherbourg Port
Société Publique Locale with a capital of 1 000 000 euros
Chairman of the Board of Directors:
General Manager: Mr Yann Ermisse
Terminal 1
Gare maritime transmanche
F-50100 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
Telephone: +33 (0)2 33 23 30 30
905 107 645 R.C.S. Cherbourg
SIREN : 905 107 645
SIRET : 905 107 645 00012
Code NAF : 5222Z
Director of publication: Mr Yann Ermisse
non-contractual photos
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You have a right to consult, modify and delete your personal data, to exercise your rights, please contact us by phone at:
+33 (0)2 33 23 30 30 or by mail at the following address:
SPL Cherbourg Port
Terminal 1
Gare maritime transmanche
F-50100 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin